What is the gym? The gym is a temple. It is a place of meditation. It is also a place of power. You are in complete control, limited only by you. It is an unrestricted outlet for power.
Warm up
Everywhere I’ve been- of all the cities I’ve lived in, hobbies I have pursued, schools and colleges I have attended, subcultures I have infiltrated; the gym has been this singular venue where I’ve found the most like minded people- like minded at least in the areas of sheer willpower and grit- than anywhere else. It has given me some of my best friends.
I had missed my college gym friends and our time together since I wrapped up my coursework and left the institute in March. So when I got the invite for the convocation- this would probably be the last time we’d all be together in one place- I gathered everyone on WhatsApp to plan one last workout. We decided to do a full body session. Squat, bench, deadlift, that’s it.
Main set
We finally met at 7pm on the night before the convocation. Hugs were exchanged. Fists were bumped. Gym bros are terrible at expressing their emotions, so I’m finding this part difficult to write.
Just kidding. We started with squats. The energy was epic.
Just two brothers talking life at the squat rack.
That’s Arpit bhaiyya under the bar, ready to squat.

I failed at 120kg. Shashank was a good enough photographer to capture the fleeting moment (although most other times I’ve asked him to take pictures, he has performed terribly). I have squatted 120kg before- it’s my 1 rep max. But this time I failed it. I must rebuild some of my lost strength. Soon, soon.

We took deadlifts next.
That’s Prasad deadlifting 100kg. No big deal, that’s just his warm-up set.
Prasad in position to DL 160kg with perfect form.
Laveen DL’d 160kg and then some.
I started with 60kg, then took 100kg, then failed at 140kg with the double overhand grip. So I decided to give it a shot with the mixed grip. Got it this time. Laveen timed the lift. It took a whole five seconds until lockout.
Yours truly DL’ing 140kg for 1 rep at 62kg body weight with a tomato face.
I was feeling up to it, so I took one more set of 140kg. I was happy I was able to pull that weight with imperfect sleep and diet.
We took bench presses next. I don’t have any pictures of us benching, but let me tell you what happened.
Prasad and Laveen have gotten really strong. They’ve joined the 225lbs club.
I learned something new from Laveen. He taught me to properly arch my back and use leg drive to help with the lift. Thanks to him, I was able to push 80kg on the bench. This was a PR for me. I took 85kg next, but failed. It’s hard to progress on the bench press. Small weights make a big difference. We took one last set of AMRAP (as many reps as possible) with 50kg and ended the session.
Cool down
We took a few group photos.
Some friends couldn’t stay for the workout, but they came and met anyway. It was awesome.
After everyone had left, Prasad, Laveen and I stayed back to take photos and talk. One of the things we realized was that we all have crazy body dysmorphia. Prasad thinks he’s too bulky and huge. Laveen thinks he’s too lean and small. And I think I don’t even look like I go to the gym. We had deep, meaningful conversations.
Here’s a picture of the three of us.
Overhead lighting is the best lighting.
I can’t wait to meet everyone again. I will organize something like this at the very first opportunity that presents itself. Or I will create one again.
Have a good day.